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POS for Fashion / Shoe & Leather Shop

  1. Facility to add variation type product (eg: Black M, Black L, Red M, Red L)
  2. Different prices, photos, and opening stock for different variations of the same product
  3. The advantage of keeping three prices of a product (sale price, wholesale price, and purchase price)
  4. Show variation-wise stock quantity and total quantity in stock
  5. Auto-calculate guarantee and warranty dates on invoices
  6. Facility to purchasing multiple variation products at the time of purchase
  7. Facility to check stock of specific variants while selling
  8. Sell specific variants of items in the POS.
  9. Thermal 56, Thermal 80 Invoice printing facility.
  10. Discounts, buy one get one, and coupon codes.
  11. Delivery management.




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